At the heart of Competitive Immunity lies Trust. Think about those organizations you trust. Consider why you trust them. The same is true for leaders…What is it about them that engenders your trust?
Don’t Settle for Competitive Advantage: Aspire to Competitive Immunity
People create Competitive Immunity, which is why it’s more sustainable than competitive advantage.
Uncovering the Real Culture that Rules Your Business
Culture is especially crucial in Permanent White Water
Are You Managing or Leading?
You manage when you need things to happen in a well-defined way. You lead when you need to make changes.
Why Culture Matters
Very few business leaders are active and intentional when it comes to building and maintaining their culture. Yet, it’s crucial that any organization that seeks success requires a solid, effective culture in which everyone shares, maintains, and strengthens the 4 Cs.
The Human Process for Moving through Change
A graphic example of the human change process from occurrence to acceptance.