If you’re tired of not knowing whether your people will be successful, why not make certain? Here are six sure-fire strategies guaranteed to ensure your people will fail spectacularly.
The Non-Linear Path to Focused Growth
Creating a growth plan depends on considering the interdependence of four focus areas in business.
Why Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast
To avoid having your Culture eat your Strategy for breakfast, don’t select a Strategy in a vacuum. Consider your culture and choose the best past forward to success.
Download Ronn Lehmann’s Guide to “Why Should I Care About Culture”
Don’t take chances on missing even one new business opportunity due to an avoidable email error. Download this free guide today.
Seven Steps toward a Stronger Culture with Financial Benefits
Culture is created by individuals, not organizations. It doesn’t exist “out there”; it’s how each employee shows up and how they create an environment for others to show up.
Download Ronn Lehmann’s Guide to the “5 Most Common Email Mistakes and What You Can Do to Avoid Them!”
Don’t take chances on missing even one new business opportunity due to an avoidable email error. Download this free guide today.
Culture Clash: Why M&As Often Fail
Perhaps no other business endeavor has a more abysmal success rate that Mergers and Acquisitions. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Cultural awareness can minimize the danger of failure.
Culture: The Bedrock of Competitive Immunity
Culture is created by individuals, not organizations. It doesn’t exist “out there”; it’s how each employee shows up and how they create an environment for others to show up.
Roadblocks to Competitive Immunity
With courage and commitment, you can remove roadblocks and clear a path toward Competitive Immunity.
Velocity and Competitive Immunity
There are compelling reasons for an organization to practice Velocity, especially if the goal is to achieve Competitive Immunity.
Unique Value and Competitive Immunity
Creating Unique Value can be a challenge, but it is essential to achieving Competitive Immunity and the long-term, high reward Customer relationships that go with it.
Don’t Settle for Competitive Advantage: Aspire to Competitive Immunity
People create Competitive Immunity, which is why it’s more sustainable than competitive advantage.
Are You Managing or Leading?
You manage when you need things to happen in a well-defined way. You lead when you need to make changes.
Why Culture Matters
Very few business leaders are active and intentional when it comes to building and maintaining their culture. Yet, it’s crucial that any organization that seeks success requires a solid, effective culture in which everyone shares, maintains, and strengthens the 4 Cs.
The Human Process for Moving through Change
A graphic example of the human change process from occurrence to acceptance.